Today marks the 77th anniversary of Gerard Magloire's birth. In honor of him today we recall his caring way of remembering the birthdays and anniversaries of family and friends, and the joy he received from bringing people together. A verse by George MacDonald captures this sentiment, saying:
"Love has ever in view the absolute loveliness of that which it beholds. Where loveliness is incomplete, it spends itself to make more lovely, that it may love more."
On October 22nd 2013 Gerard wrote this entry, " I could not see the possibility of bringing people together before succeeding in keeping my family together." One year later he added to that thought by saying "I believe that by loving God and by loving my fellow human beings, I am accomplishing my purpose in life here and now as well as beyond and eternally. Amen!"
May you show and be shown the love of God today and for many days to come.
~ In loving memory ~